Medical Chart Reviews & Chronologies:Get the full story​

Original Release Date: April 1, 2021 | 1:00 pm ET

This 50-minute webinar is a great resource for paralegals and attorneys eager to learn more about compiling medical chart reviews and chronologies, how to translate records into a clear story, and how to identify red flags.

Whether you represent the plaintiff or the defense, attaining and understanding the medical records are crucial to your case. Participants will learn:

Watch the webinar to learn:

  • 1. Organizing and reviewing records: Depending on the time since the injury or illness, you could receive a small mountain (or huge digital file) of records. Learn best practices for organizing the information and using software such as Excel to put them in chronological order.
  • 2. Identifying clues that point to missing information: Information within a medical record is very much like pieces to a large puzzle. Learn how to quickly identify clues that help put the puzzle together. 
  • 3. Asking questions: Make sure you are asking the right questions and understand what the answers may mean.
  • 4. When to seek help from a medical expert and what to expect: The complexity of the case usually determines when and how soon to seek the help of a medical expert. Learn more about when and why you should seek the help of a medical professional and what to expect from that engagement.

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April Pettengill has over 30 years nursing experience

Presenter: April Pettengill


April Pettengill has over 30 years nursing experience that has included caring for the ill and injured across the continuum of life. A strong professional nursing background in catastrophic case management including assessment of and coordination of care needs for severely injured persons. Hands on nursing experience working with chronically ill elderly, pediatric population and acutely ill adults. Hands on experience with patients with cancer, congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, wounds, spinal cord injuries, stroke, brain injuries, and progressive neurological disorders such as ALS and MS and Pediatric High-Tech need.

Medico-Legal Webinars​

Medico-legal webinars are a great resource for plaintiff and defense teams looking to better understand injuries and illnesses and how they may impact a case. Topics range from pediatrics and pain to costing and Medicare Set-Aside Allocations and everything in between.