A Joint Effort: Managing the Road to Recovery in Knee Injuries

Original Release Date: June 24, 2021 

This on-demand Injury Insight session offers a comprehensive guide to the most common injuries and conditions of the knee joint, presented by Dr. Rockett. The session, is an excellent resource for anyone seeking to expand their knowledge on the anatomy of the knee, including the patella, ligaments, and meniscus.


Dr. Rockett also provides insights on how to diagnose and treat various knee injuries, from meniscal tears to ACL tears, Baker’s cysts, tendonitis, contusions, bursitis, arthritis, and more. The session also covers injury prevention strategies and explores surgical techniques for treating conditions like patella subluxation and dislocation, arthritis, and patellofemoral syndrome. With a Q&A section and a conclusion, this on-demand webinar is a valuable resource for medical professionals, students, and anyone interested in learning more about knee injuries and conditions.

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